Saturday, August 8, 2009

ayuh berusaha!

AMARAN : gambar di atas memang ada kene mengene dengan tajuk, okayhh. (dan sila ignore budak nakal yang memegangnya)

Since Mara College Seremban has been invaded by A(H1N1) virus, people started to be power rangers. wearing mask everywhere, 24/7. 4 randomly picked students tested positive and i believe, the number is actually more than that. Everyone is terrified as the virus is spreading very fast and intruding our friends, one by one. Even my rommate is being quarantined. Ohh, i hope it just a normal flu.

Actually, the entire college is being quarantined now. No visitors are allowed and no going back home. Err.. I'm at home now. haha.

If yesterday we said " When I grow up, I want to be a doctor! " but today, we dont know if theres tomorrow for us. Despite the fact we gonna die someday, and realizing that we can die anytime, we must make an effort to avoid sickness and pray.

“for every sickness has its right cure. One has to find the roots of the illness in order to cure it. You have to believe and leave the rest to Allah SWT."

We can be infected by the virus but if our immune system is strong, the virus will not affect us. So people, lets boost our immunity! Get more vitamin C and put on your mask! Plus, stay 1 meter away from other ppl, atleast! And if you start having cold and cough, go see the doctor!

And the rest, believe that Allah always knows the best. Never give up. Like Ckg Jowel said, perhaps by the time the virus comes, it will be rained off. Who knows?

And apart from all the chaos now, we have to work harder. Atleast if we die, it is mati syahid, insyaAllah. Okay, I'm not sure about that.

Hadis – Hadis sahih no. 857, Imam Ahmad, Ibnu Majah, Al-Bukhari & Muslim reported that 1400 years ago, the Prophet Muhammed SAW (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said:

“Take this al-Habbah al-Sawda’ (black seed) for verily in it is a cure for every disease except ‘al-Sam’. Al-Sam is death”

Ohh, about the camera. I know the only way that I can pay for it is by making them proud of me. I will. =)

Fightoo.. ohh!


siti.mashitah said...

cmne nk jmpe ni.... :(

dJ said...

2 laaa.. today mmg dah x boleh dah. smlm pun jmpe toira kejap gile. next week mcm xleyh lepas jek nak balik. wuwuu..

Rabiatul Adawiah Sulaiman said...

wow!! dslr!!!!!!!!!!!! nak!!!!!!
~~ dan setiap yang bernyawa tidak akan mati kecuali dengan izin Allah, sebagai ketetapan yang telah ditentukan waktunya - Ali Imran ayat 145

dJ said...

hey ada! how ws the result?