salam to all.
baru balik bilik. penat. tadi pergi wispi untuk masukkan gula-gula dalam belon. seronok? taaak langsuggggggg.. lepas tu tetiba ada idea baru pulak. pup! kami pun punggah balik gula-gula gula-gula (jamak) dari dalam belon untuk di salotep dan dibungkus dalam pembalut hadiah bewarna purple. (buruk sikit lah). dj telah menunjukkan bakat terpendam membungkus gula-gula pada tahap 3 ( tahap hebat) dan beliau telah bekerja tanpa henti sehingga pukul 11.30 malam. okayy, sebenarnya kena paksa, demi menghormati project manager, yelah yelahhhh..
lepas tu pulang lah ke bilik dengan kepenatan melampau. peruntukan waktu untuk physics lab report habis kene bakar. sheessshhh.
klimaks cerita.
( ini bukan first time, dah banyak kali dahh.)
hati remuk. jiwa parah. ada manusia yang x buat kerja. (bukan dekat guidance project tadi okaayy.. tadi semua baik-baik kecuali president bajet). ini cerita lain. dengan kegeraman tahap karma, dj hampir-hampir meletup. (ohh teringat molotov. kamu tahu molotov apekahh? tahu? xtahu sudah.) lantas dengan perasaan marah yg membara-bara bagai dirasuk, dj pergi jumpa manusia itu dan terus bagik tumbukan padu berbijik-bijik. lepas tuh buat flying kick skali. tarik2 rambut dan hentak-hentak kepala manusia tersebut ke dinding dengan rasa puas. malangnya, belum puas! tampar-tampar muka dia sampai sakit. ( tangan sendiri pun sakit jugak) lepas tu nak baling kasut-kasut serta baldi-baldi manusia lain kat dia. biar dia rasa. biar padan dengan mukanya. heh!
err.. imaginasi terlebey-lebey lah pulak. okay yang tadi tu tipu jekk.
ironinya di sini, pekerja (manusia terbabit) tidak menjalankan amanah yang telah dipertanggungjawabkan oleh majikan walaupun pada hakikatnya seorang pekerja memang ditakdirkan untuk melakukan kerja dan dibayar gaji. BUKAN MAKAN GAJI BUTA!
ohh. teringat ayat lintang pukang dalam test malay siang tadi. haruuuu...
maka, dengan ini saya mahu menyampaikan pesan kepada manusia terbabit, lain kali kalau xnak buat kerja cakap lah awal2. lantak pi la dengan alasan air selloww ke hape ke, tapi xpayah la buat orang mengharap lepas tuh hancurkan senang-senang. sensitip taww!
hari khamis nanti tolongggg basuh baju saya yang dah bertimbun-timbun tu yer. terima kasih. dan jangan buat-buat lupa nak dry. heh.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
hebatkah manusia?? (cewah)
i want to share something. but i know, i cant write. ( hopeless writer. malay pon x lepas. ades). so, i want u guys to take a look ( and read!) at this article, from a very good friend of mine. mish him mucho! kitorang member dari kecik taw.. zaman skolah rendah yg serba hebat ( huu?)
click here whenever you free. =)
click here whenever you free. =)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
terima kasih ibu, ayah!
sudah dapat hadiah besday. =D
walopon lambat lagi harinya.
sayang anda berdua!
walopon lambat lagi harinya.
sayang anda berdua!
dj terhebat
ahahahah ahahahhh! mahu gelak banyak2. ( gelak saje okayy, tiada sound efek yang lain). hari jumaat dan abtu adalah hari bahagia selalunya. memang ponn, jumaat qada' tdo, sabtu qada berenjoy-enjoyan plus movies, sebelum ahad nanges2 air mata darah tak siap keje. namun, superdj telah membuat keputusan drastik atas sebab-sebab yang xbuleh diberitahu! maka, hari ini superdj mahu menghebahkan kehebatan beliau.
=) bertapa di DS kesayangan selama doblas jam.
bukan makan-makan okayy.. superdj sudah berazam mahu diet. tetapi beliau tidak bangun-bangun dari kerusi bolat yang biasanya menjadi tempat tidur kucing2 DS dari pukul 9.30 malam hari jumaat sehinggalah pukul 9.30 pagi keesokan paginya! (kecuali beliau ke toilet malam2 buta selama 5x atas sebab2 yang x mampu dielakkan) hebat kan? tujuan, mahu menyiapkan IA maths terchenta supaya boleh balik ke kampung halaman, namun pencapaian masih x sehebat impian. lame gile wat IA xsiap2 lagik!!! stress gak ah. ohh ya, di DS, terutamanya pada waktu subuh, superdj dan rakan2 menjadi pemandangan indah (kot) bagi manusia2 yang turun ke surau untuk solat berjemaah. (ape, x penah tengok orang stay up ke??) tp x mengapalah, mungkin kami boleh menjadi pelajar contoh. hebat, hebat.
=) super gemok dj!
sudah bayar mahal2, sumbat je lah kan, pe lagik. haha. celebrate besday pn Hasmah dan pn Zolbidah hari sabtu, di kedai makanan korea, Garden apetah, Kerinchi. sedapsedapsedap! macam-macam makanan, boleh amik sendiri dan masak sendiri di meja anda. sedap x terhingga. nyum2! macam2 yang superdj pelajari (uiceh) seperti cara2 menaruk bahan2 membuat abc, meletakkan makanan dalam sup tomyam sedap yang sedang menggelegak (bukan baling yer rakan2) dan juga sebelum masak ayam atau ikan, mestilah membubuh sedikit minyakc supaya bila manusia lain tengok, mereka xkan berkata "ishk2, habis dengan kuali2 skali dia masak!) overall, makanan memang sgt sedap dan kami enjoy! HEPY BESDAY CIKGU2! May Allah bless you. harap cikgu suka hadiah yang kami beli. hehe.
=) time untuk qada' tidur.
yeayy! sudah balik rumah! dari kerinchi, tros balik rumah. prot sudah kenyang. 3.45 ptg. then buat2 ape yang patut, zzzzzZZZZZ. bagun2... uwargghh! enaknya tido. pukul berapa niy? 5.45 pagi!! wahahahahh! superdj tido 12 jam!! lalalalala~ tido dirumah memang sedap. lagi2 bila bangun dapat online , minum milo panas, dan makan roti peanut butter sedap. ngee.
ohh. IA maths belum siap lagi. mari2! aiyarrkk.
=) bertapa di DS kesayangan selama doblas jam.
bukan makan-makan okayy.. superdj sudah berazam mahu diet. tetapi beliau tidak bangun-bangun dari kerusi bolat yang biasanya menjadi tempat tidur kucing2 DS dari pukul 9.30 malam hari jumaat sehinggalah pukul 9.30 pagi keesokan paginya! (kecuali beliau ke toilet malam2 buta selama 5x atas sebab2 yang x mampu dielakkan) hebat kan? tujuan, mahu menyiapkan IA maths terchenta supaya boleh balik ke kampung halaman, namun pencapaian masih x sehebat impian. lame gile wat IA xsiap2 lagik!!! stress gak ah. ohh ya, di DS, terutamanya pada waktu subuh, superdj dan rakan2 menjadi pemandangan indah (kot) bagi manusia2 yang turun ke surau untuk solat berjemaah. (ape, x penah tengok orang stay up ke??) tp x mengapalah, mungkin kami boleh menjadi pelajar contoh. hebat, hebat.
=) super gemok dj!
sudah bayar mahal2, sumbat je lah kan, pe lagik. haha. celebrate besday pn Hasmah dan pn Zolbidah hari sabtu, di kedai makanan korea, Garden apetah, Kerinchi. sedapsedapsedap! macam-macam makanan, boleh amik sendiri dan masak sendiri di meja anda. sedap x terhingga. nyum2! macam2 yang superdj pelajari (uiceh) seperti cara2 menaruk bahan2 membuat abc, meletakkan makanan dalam sup tomyam sedap yang sedang menggelegak (bukan baling yer rakan2) dan juga sebelum masak ayam atau ikan, mestilah membubuh sedikit minyakc supaya bila manusia lain tengok, mereka xkan berkata "ishk2, habis dengan kuali2 skali dia masak!) overall, makanan memang sgt sedap dan kami enjoy! HEPY BESDAY CIKGU2! May Allah bless you. harap cikgu suka hadiah yang kami beli. hehe.
=) time untuk qada' tidur.
yeayy! sudah balik rumah! dari kerinchi, tros balik rumah. prot sudah kenyang. 3.45 ptg. then buat2 ape yang patut, zzzzzZZZZZ. bagun2... uwargghh! enaknya tido. pukul berapa niy? 5.45 pagi!! wahahahahh! superdj tido 12 jam!! lalalalala~ tido dirumah memang sedap. lagi2 bila bangun dapat online , minum milo panas, dan makan roti peanut butter sedap. ngee.
ohh. IA maths belum siap lagi. mari2! aiyarrkk.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
You know you are an IB student when..
You start analyzing random books, song lyrics, and street signs.
You start overanalyzing the rainbows on people's clothing.
You relax vicariously through your non-IB friends (what non-IB friends???).
Your backpack is heavier than you are.
You complain that you can't store notes on your graphing calculator for the IB English exam.
You write stories and give them to other people to analyze for you because you don't understand them.
You forget the meaning of the words "free time" yet remember the meaning of "literary analysis"
You have complicated dreams about graphing circles and ellipses.
You have theological and theoretical physics discussions at parties
Whenever you're watching a movie you find all the motifs and themes ... without trying.
"Friends" and "fellow IBers" are interchangeable.
You go to bed at 3 AM and think, "Oh, it's an early night!"
Social life? What's that?
You've fooled yourself into believing that colleges actually care whether you're in IB or not.
You try to wake up fast enough to catch yourself sleeping - and succeed.
You talk to yourself in the 3rd person.
You write sentences on multiple choice tests.
It's okay to fail as you are not alone.
You frequently catch yourself saying "What?? We had homework??"
You explore the possibility of setting up an IV drip of espresso.
You wonder if brewing is an essential step in the consumption of coffee.
You begin speaking in a language that only you and IBers can understand.
You and Reality file for divorce.
You've sold your soul … and have to wait 4 years to get it back.
Desperate to fill up your CAS hours, you claim watching a black and white movie as "creativity" and tidying your room as "activity", and your teacher approves it.
Your idea of impure thoughts is whether or not to copy math homework.
You can count your math quiz grade on one hand.
Cheating became too easy, so you took up telepathy.
Your best hope for most classes is either divine intervention or a strategically placed lightning bolt.
Your alternate thesis for the Extended Essay is why IB jokes/checklists are so prolific and the amount of fact contained within them.
You plead insanity on a research paper… and your plea is accepted by your teacher.
You do your essays on the ride to school.
You consider giving up going to the bathroom permanently to give you more time to study.
Your home becomes a "home away from home".
Exhausted, you conclude a history essay with, "And they lived happily every after. Amen."
You find that you overreact when you get 2 points marked off on your homework.
You find that you spend more time sleeping in class than at bed.
Your list of excuses for not doing your homework is the length of Anna Karenina.
You manage to complete the whole semester’s homework the day before the term ends.
You finish your extended essay shortly after midnight. Your smile of satisfaction fades when you remember to start on your World Lit paper.
You ask what your summer reading assignment will be in October.
When you are home sick, you can't help but wonder what work you're missing and what your homework is.
When you're watching TV, you feel guilty… That was a lie, you don't watch TV.
You actually believe "mental health days" are excused absences.
Brewing coffee takes too long, so you just eat the beans.
You're afraid of sunlight since you haven't seen it in 3 years.
The bags under your eyes are heavier than the ones carrying your textbooks.
You haven't seen light in so long you glow in the dark.
You find yourself thinking "Without stress my life would be empty."
You've taught yourself how to take naps while walking to your next class.
You think MTV is a formula for mass, temperature and volume.
You look foward to hell week because you think hell would be an improvement on your current situation.
You see your Extended Essay advisor more than you see your parents.
You skip school to do homework.
You are so accustomed to being stressed, that when you aren't, you have a panic attack.
You sleep with your eyes half open because you don't have the energy to close them all the way.
The cure to your depression is concentrating on homework.
You finish your homework before midnight, but find some excuse to stay up until 3 AM ... like reading this list, just because it makes you laugh.
You spend more time trying to decide when you'll do your homework than actually doing it.
You get nervous when you have free time.
You spend more hours getting your CAS forms signed than the number of hours on written those forms, because you wait until the last minute to fill out the forms. Naturally; it would be a waste of time otherwise.
You ask what time it is, then ask "AM or PM?"
You start wearing all black.
You have no life, and admit it.
You see your own picture on a milk carton.
When you have to ask your fellow IBers to give you wake up calls
When you have three or more alarm clocks in your room
When a triple shot espresso and 3 red bulls aren’t enough for you to be awake
When you're not sure what day of the week it is
A break consists of moving your car.
You count the number of days (not hours) you've been awake.
You cut your veins, and the first thing you think of is if you'll be able to finish your art piece
You say "It's only midnight- I have plenty of time to finish."
'Red Bull' is you favorite drink.
You see showering as a waste of time.
You confuse sunrise with sunset.
When Pink Floyd lyrics actually make sense.
When you feel guilty for sleeping 40 minutes at 4am.
true enough rite?
You start overanalyzing the rainbows on people's clothing.
You relax vicariously through your non-IB friends (what non-IB friends???).
Your backpack is heavier than you are.
You complain that you can't store notes on your graphing calculator for the IB English exam.
You write stories and give them to other people to analyze for you because you don't understand them.
You forget the meaning of the words "free time" yet remember the meaning of "literary analysis"
You have complicated dreams about graphing circles and ellipses.
You have theological and theoretical physics discussions at parties
Whenever you're watching a movie you find all the motifs and themes ... without trying.
"Friends" and "fellow IBers" are interchangeable.
You go to bed at 3 AM and think, "Oh, it's an early night!"
Social life? What's that?
You've fooled yourself into believing that colleges actually care whether you're in IB or not.
You try to wake up fast enough to catch yourself sleeping - and succeed.
You talk to yourself in the 3rd person.
You write sentences on multiple choice tests.
It's okay to fail as you are not alone.
You frequently catch yourself saying "What?? We had homework??"
You explore the possibility of setting up an IV drip of espresso.
You wonder if brewing is an essential step in the consumption of coffee.
You begin speaking in a language that only you and IBers can understand.
You and Reality file for divorce.
You've sold your soul … and have to wait 4 years to get it back.
Desperate to fill up your CAS hours, you claim watching a black and white movie as "creativity" and tidying your room as "activity", and your teacher approves it.
Your idea of impure thoughts is whether or not to copy math homework.
You can count your math quiz grade on one hand.
Cheating became too easy, so you took up telepathy.
Your best hope for most classes is either divine intervention or a strategically placed lightning bolt.
Your alternate thesis for the Extended Essay is why IB jokes/checklists are so prolific and the amount of fact contained within them.
You plead insanity on a research paper… and your plea is accepted by your teacher.
You do your essays on the ride to school.
You consider giving up going to the bathroom permanently to give you more time to study.
Your home becomes a "home away from home".
Exhausted, you conclude a history essay with, "And they lived happily every after. Amen."
You find that you overreact when you get 2 points marked off on your homework.
You find that you spend more time sleeping in class than at bed.
Your list of excuses for not doing your homework is the length of Anna Karenina.
You manage to complete the whole semester’s homework the day before the term ends.
You finish your extended essay shortly after midnight. Your smile of satisfaction fades when you remember to start on your World Lit paper.
You ask what your summer reading assignment will be in October.
When you are home sick, you can't help but wonder what work you're missing and what your homework is.
When you're watching TV, you feel guilty… That was a lie, you don't watch TV.
You actually believe "mental health days" are excused absences.
Brewing coffee takes too long, so you just eat the beans.
You're afraid of sunlight since you haven't seen it in 3 years.
The bags under your eyes are heavier than the ones carrying your textbooks.
You haven't seen light in so long you glow in the dark.
You find yourself thinking "Without stress my life would be empty."
You've taught yourself how to take naps while walking to your next class.
You think MTV is a formula for mass, temperature and volume.
You look foward to hell week because you think hell would be an improvement on your current situation.
You see your Extended Essay advisor more than you see your parents.
You skip school to do homework.
You are so accustomed to being stressed, that when you aren't, you have a panic attack.
You sleep with your eyes half open because you don't have the energy to close them all the way.
The cure to your depression is concentrating on homework.
You finish your homework before midnight, but find some excuse to stay up until 3 AM ... like reading this list, just because it makes you laugh.
You spend more time trying to decide when you'll do your homework than actually doing it.
You get nervous when you have free time.
You spend more hours getting your CAS forms signed than the number of hours on written those forms, because you wait until the last minute to fill out the forms. Naturally; it would be a waste of time otherwise.
You ask what time it is, then ask "AM or PM?"
You start wearing all black.
You have no life, and admit it.
You see your own picture on a milk carton.
When you have to ask your fellow IBers to give you wake up calls
When you have three or more alarm clocks in your room
When a triple shot espresso and 3 red bulls aren’t enough for you to be awake
When you're not sure what day of the week it is
A break consists of moving your car.
You count the number of days (not hours) you've been awake.
You cut your veins, and the first thing you think of is if you'll be able to finish your art piece
You say "It's only midnight- I have plenty of time to finish."
'Red Bull' is you favorite drink.
You see showering as a waste of time.
You confuse sunrise with sunset.
When Pink Floyd lyrics actually make sense.
When you feel guilty for sleeping 40 minutes at 4am.
true enough rite?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
sukaria ceria~
depan koop.
tengah nak siapkan g4.
siapkan lab report bio.
liny mintak bookmark guidance now.
test chemisery on friday.
dan lights off sudah berkuat kuasa.
malas mau tulih panjang2. xlarat sudah.
hari ahad ari tu pergi astro sukaria ceria riang ria gumbira.
bertolak pukul 3.30 am dari seremban.
ke mount kiara.
sampai sana,
main lari2 carik surau dikala subuh.
mari lihat gambar-gambar.




hari yang sangat2lah memenatkan yet sangat besh.
dapat buat free catwalk, teman budak2 umur 3-5 tahun posing2 atas pentas.
dapat main buat T. hahahaha!
dapat kenal artis2 yang x penah tengok pun muka dorang before this. tp x besh pon.
dapat main game kanak2. lompat2 dan snake yang bosan.
dapat t-shirt ceria dan..
rm50! =)
dan dapat macam2 lah lagik.
termasuk nasik ayam dan nasik lemak.
tidak lupa kepada sunburn.
tengah nak siapkan g4.
siapkan lab report bio.
liny mintak bookmark guidance now.
test chemisery on friday.
dan lights off sudah berkuat kuasa.
malas mau tulih panjang2. xlarat sudah.
hari ahad ari tu pergi astro sukaria ceria riang ria gumbira.
bertolak pukul 3.30 am dari seremban.
ke mount kiara.
sampai sana,
main lari2 carik surau dikala subuh.
mari lihat gambar-gambar.
hari yang sangat2lah memenatkan yet sangat besh.
dapat buat free catwalk, teman budak2 umur 3-5 tahun posing2 atas pentas.
dapat main buat T. hahahaha!
dapat kenal artis2 yang x penah tengok pun muka dorang before this. tp x besh pon.
dapat main game kanak2. lompat2 dan snake yang bosan.
dapat t-shirt ceria dan..
rm50! =)
dan dapat macam2 lah lagik.
termasuk nasik ayam dan nasik lemak.
tidak lupa kepada sunburn.
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