Friday, February 6, 2009

i LOVE u!

hepy besday to ibu! May Allah bless. =)

so tadi we had a dinner, more likely birthday party la.. haha. i just arrived home arnd 7 something, and my dad asked famly out. Since my stomach was oredy change the song from anak itik tok wi to my chemical romance, cnt help la. without changing cloth..., ( ok, xmandi. xsempat!) solat2 hape sume, tros went out to jj au2. we mamam2 and bla3... ok basically dj is in process of being more horizontally inclined than before as she ate lots just now. she had pizza, spaghetti, sushi, cake... then we balik... i did amik2 gambar semua, but mengong giler i forgot the cable. i bring along my camera, with no batteries inside. penat jek posing2. urghh.. forgot my specs too! seb bek ada my old specs, tapi less power. and forgot the mouse. so i have to use this "seret2 jari to it". i dont know the name.

* cant paste pixies..*

nvm la. nak tengok muvee! huhu.

pretending like there r no assignments, homeworks and lab report to do.


siti.mashitah said...

dayaa... ckp kt ibu ak wish besday jgk. belated. ^^

Anonymous said...

happy birthday Aunty!!!...

semoga pnjg umur

n murah rzeki..=D

toira ismail said...

wuu...maw join!! ;(