Wednesday, September 10, 2008



well. td we had a short meeting wit our laply director.

it was mainly about our placement in india after ib.

before this, our super seniors only hv d placement in manipal and ramaya uni. but theres lots of pro n const. so our director decided to get the place in other uni in india.

but then... dat other uni required physics! even for medic students.

but then again... as for me.. dental student, we hv no choice either we want to take physics or stix to our current subj (business for me). hmm. we are forced to take physic! the reason? theres no denstistry course in manipal n ramaya. huh. so?

i hv to take physics!!! urghh. ouch.

thx god our physics only at SL level. tp xmo jugak...

xreti la physics2 niy. susa kan?

i rather study the thicky business than physics.

hmm. hurmmmm..

wish me lux guys.

takut lah.

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